Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Installing Open-WRT in TP-Link MR3020

1. Connect Ethernet cable form TL-MR3020 to the computer. Your computer will get an IP in subnet.
2. Download the Open-WRT firmware from here.
3. From computer access at web browser, go to "System Tools" >> "Firmware Upgrade" >> "Choose File" >> choose the downloaded Open-WRT firmware at Step 2. Click "Upgrade".

4. After a few minutes, TL-MR3020 will reboot. After reboot, the IP address of the TL-MR3020 will be changed to But you cannot access the at web browser since Luci package is not installed yet.

5. Use putty and access using Telnet.

6. Set the password using "passwd" command.

7. To get the WiFi internet access, edit /etc/config/wireless as show below. Make sure "option disabled 1" is commented, and fill the correct SSID, encryption, key based on your WiFi.

8. Edit /etc/config/network. See interface 'wan' as shown below. Make sure option proto 'dhcp' so TL-MR3020 can obtain IP address from the WiFi hotspot. Save and exit. Run "wifi" command.

9. Run "ifconfig wlan0". Make sure wlan0 has IP address.

10. Try to ping to

11. To install web GUI, we need to install Luci. Run "opkg update", "opkg install luci", "opkg install luci-theme-openwrt"

12. Run /etc/init.d/uhttpd start.

13. Now we should be able to access the TL-MR3020 through web GUI.

14. Done
