I assume that, the LED already connected to the GPIO as shown in here.
1) Open the Raspberry pi terminal, run the following commands:-
sudo apt-get install git-core
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
git clone git://git.drogon.net/wiringPi
cd wiringPi
2) To verify wiring pi, run the following command:-
gpio -v
3) In wiringPi, GPIO4 => GPIO.7. First make the pin as output pin. The command is:
"gpio mode 7 out". Verify the GPIO.7 pin mode using "gpio readall"
GPIO.7 mode = OUT
4) To turn on LED, use "gpio write 7 1". We also can verify the GPIO status using gpio readall command.
gpio readall output when LED off
gpio readall output when LED on
5) Create a new bash (.sh) file
6) I wrote a simple bash script to make the LED blinking 100 times for every seconds.
7) Save the .sh file and make it executable by using chmod +x test.sh.
8) Run the bash script
LED is blinking
9) Done
[1] http://wiringpi.com/
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